Thursday, June 27, 2024

Vidovdanski rejting turnir I kolo


Changing trolleybuses on Slavija square.

Vidovdanski rejting turnir ŠSB-a

I kolo

Kostić Vladimir – Ja


Only 40 participants, I excercised Tibetan wall yoga, listened echoing of Tibetan copper pissoar, put summer cloths on, and came to the venue in good mood. I decided this tournament to be a preparationatal, so as to give myself oportunity to play in for the main event, Serbian Open in Amateur section in July.


1. c4 


English Opening


Well, I spent 8 minutes here. I couldn’t decide which direction to choose: 1. ...e5, Ljubojević Philidor-like way with d6, Be6m Nc6, Qd7 or flexible Ne7-Nc6 and double fianchetto.


1. ... c5 2. g3 Nc6 3. Bg2 g6 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. Nf3 e6


Already here I contemplated of possible 6. Ne4.  


6. Ne4?!  Qc7?



I shouldn’t have afraid of Ner, neither now nor in previous move; simple ...d6 would’v done the trick. But I “calculated” 7. Nxc5 Na5? and missed that white had 8. d4! Nxc4 9. Bf4! and black is positionally lost. (I thought white had to withdraw with Nd3.)


8. d3?! b6 9. Bf4


Now I thought I am lost, I overlooked this in-between move, and only calculated 9. Bg5 Bxb2?? And do I have chance to save my bishop. In reality, I would have been better and played 9. ...f5 or 9. ...h6.


9. ... e5 10. Bg5


Now I thought again that I was lost and the white had lured me in a trap well known. “God knows how many games he won this way”, I thought and began to think. I considered 10. ...Ng8!? 11. Nc3 f6; 10. ...f5?!  11. Nf6+ Kf7 12. Nd5 Qd6?? which is blunder and one more move. My brain got wooly. When I discovered 10. ...h6, I thought I got away.


10. ...h6 11. Bf6 O-O??


I thought it was good move. In fact 11. ...Kf8!  would’ve been better and I could continue play in piece 12. Bxe7 Nxe7 13. Nc3 Bb7 and I am okay.


12. Qd2??


White had 12. Nxe5! winning on the spot.


12. ... d5


Now I am fine again. I was proud of myself. I survived.


13. cxd5 Nxd5 14. Bxg7 Kxg7 15. Rac1 Be6 16.  a3 Rad8?!


In fact, “objectively” that is, I have been better ever since white missed 12. Nxe5 and as soon I got of the hook, I realized that I am in time trouble, and I lost the thread. Now I should have played 12. ...Rac8. I was hallucinating of some x-raying on d-file and ...c4 and similar mirages. I lost my minimal advantage now.


17. b4 f5 18. Nc3 cxb4 19. Nxd5?! (Nb5!) Bxd5 20. axb4 Qd6


I am quite okay here. But low on time. Brain is wooly.


21. b5 Na5?


I should’ve played 21. ...Bxf3 and next ...Nd4. I got under the impression that I could make passed pawn on Queen flank and that my Knight is better than Bg2. It was just “natural evaluation”.


22. Qb2 Rfe8 23. Rc3?! Bxf3??


Suicidal. 23. ...Re7! would’ve given me a chance to fight more. I was tired although my opponent was older, and my thoughts were foggy, not his.

But I have to find a culprit; at this point I had less than 80 seconds, and it was so-called critical position, and just in this moment, the referee assistant, a girl, found appropriate to put new score sheets on the table next to ours, and to make noise and disturb me. Why does it happen only to me, for example, in I round of Belgrade Trophy 2015, when I was fighting for draw against a young Turk, and IM Radovan Govedarica - usually fussy about the rules - was so eager to see what was happening on the table next to mine, and he leaned on with his bloody umbrella under his armpit, and he stabbed me with the umbrella spike several times, and I lost my composure, and lost the game,. Why? 


24. Bxf3 e4??? 15. Rc7++ double check Black resigned.


Immediately after the game he asked me “Why did you allow ‘b4’?” “I thought I could defend from it”, I answered, and I could indeed have, but I simple faded away like a senile chessist in a park. I need more bananas, cumin, Tibetan  bowl music, sage tea and yoga. 

Lousy feeling of game thrown away. 

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