Monday, July 1, 2024

Vidovdanski rejting turnir, V i VI kolo


Vidovdanski rejting turnir

V kolo

Krivenko Ja

1. d4 c5 2. d5 f5


Old Benoni Mujannah formation


According to engine, white played perfectly whilst I made 2 blunders and 4 inaccuracies. This variation gives tough and heavy game for black; Timman played it once in Netanya 1975 (in Benoni order), and I hoped that with it I would last at least 40 movies.


3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Nf6 5. Nh3 d6 6. a4 Na6 7. O-O Bg7 8. Nf4 Nc7 9. Nc3 Rb8 10. Re1 O-O 11. e4 a6 12. exf5 Bxf5 13. Ne4 Qd7?


I should’ve captured on e4: 13. ...Nxe4 14. Bxe4 Bxe4 15. Rxe4 Qd7 and engine gives white only +0.4. I evaluated the position completely wrong. Better than 15. ...Qd7 was even 15. ...Rf5! with following ...Qf8. I wasn’t that bad as I thought. But I felt so despondent. No courage what so ever, and at the same time, paradoxically, I hated my incompetence, inability to calculate moves and evaluate the position. So I wasn’t that bad after all, but my spirit was very low.  After 13. ...Qd7?, however, I was in serious trouble.



14. Ng5 b5 15. axb5 h6 16. Nge6 Nxe6 17. Nxe6 Bxe6 18. Rxe6 axb5 19. Qe2 Rb7 20. Bd2 Kh7 21. Re1 Ng8?


21. ...Qe8 would've given me some chance to last 40 moves.


22. h4 Bd4 23. Be3 Bxb2 24. Be4 Nf6 25. h5 Nxe4 26. hxg6+ Kg7 27. Bxh6+ Kxh6 28. g7+ Kxg7 29. Qg4+ *

Black resigned


Vidovdanski rejting turnir


VI kolo


Ja – Smiljković



1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Ba5


French Winawer Retreat



6. b4 cxd4 7. Nb5 Bc7 8. f4 Ne7 9. Nxd4?!


I couldn’t retreive from my memory the theory from Chess Encyclopedia. I felt like tabula  rasa. I thought that I even might've run into a trap and that black knows all the right moves. 9. Bd3, 9. Bd2 and 9. Nxc7+ were here better moves.


9. ...Nbc6 10. Ngf3 Nxd4 11. Nxd4 Nc6 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. Bd3?!


Too slow. 13. a4 and Bb2 would’ve been better. As said I was dancing in the dark and was mad at myself for not been able to remember the ordinary moves in chess opening. 


13. ...a5! 14. Bb2 axb4?!


Black is constantly giving me time to recover from my sloppy play. 14. ...Bb6 was better and I would play 15. c4


15. axb4 Rxa1 16. Bxa1?


I wanted to keep my queen ready for h5, but engine says 16. Qxa1 was better


16. ...Bb6 17. Qh5?

 Well, my idea was bad. I had to play 17. c4 and think about saving my skin.


17. ...Qe7 18. Bc3 Be3?!


Black had -0.7 and now I have +0.3, so bad was this move. I was phantasizing about attack, and so was he about material. 18. ...c5 was right way to exploit my exposed king.


19. Qf3 Qa7 20. Ke2 Bb6 21. Qh5 g6 22. Qf3 h5 23. Ra1 Qc7 24. g3 O-O 25. g4 hxg4 26. Qxg4 c5 27. Rg1 cxb4??


I saw what would happen after this move. Black had to play 27. ...Ba6, it was the only move for him to save the game, but that would’ve been a sacrifice, this is a move for a 2200 rated player, and he wasn’t in the mood for giving material up, rather to collect it. After 28. Bxa6 he had 28. ...cxb4 and after I move attacked rook to, let’s say, g3, he can recapture my bishop on c3. Interesting: 29. Rg3 bxc3 30. Qh4 and although it looks dangerous, black has 30. ...Qa7 with double threat to capture my bishop on a6 and to pin my queen with ....Bf2! I would have been forced to accept perpetual with 31. Bd3 and 32. Bxg6



28. Bxg6 Bxg1 29. Bf5+

Black resigned

So the "preparational" tournament is over, and I scored 50%. In 12 days Serbia Open 2024 begins and I will play in a section which will hopefully suite me better. 


Vidovdanski rejting turnir --> dve pobede protiv klinaca


Vidovdanski rejting turnir III i IV kolo

Two wins against kids

Vidovdanski rejting turnir 

III kolo

Vasić – Ja

1. e4 Nf6

Alekhine Defense

2. Nc3 d5 3. e5 d4 4. exf6 dxc3 5. bxc3

I expected 5. fxg7 cxd2+ 6. Qxd2 Qxd2+ 7. Bxd2 Bxg7 and white has an edge but the play is vivacious and the better player wins.

5. ...exf6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. Bd3?! c5 8. c4 Nc6 9. Bb2 O-O 10. O-O Re8 11. Re1 Be6 12. Rb1 Bd6

I was preparing attack on white pawn on c4. For that purpose I played ...Re8 so that when white defends the pawn with Qe2 I could have a discovery. Note that after 12. ...Na5 13. Bc3 I cannot capture on c4 13. ...Nxc4? due 14. Rxe6!

13. h3 Qd7 14. g4?

14. Bf1 was better. Black is better but nothing’s been decided yet. Now I calculated what if 14. ...Bxg4!? 15. hxg4 Qxg4. I couldn’t find any forced checkmate. Engine says it would be perpetual check. 

14. ... Na5?

Beter was 14. ...h5! It was both natural and obvious, but I was obsessed with that stupid pawn on c4.

15. Re4 f5 16. gxf5 Bxf5 17. Rh4!

This is a good move and shows that the kid has some talent. He is going to attack, not to fall in desperation.

17. ...Bxd3 18. cxd3 Qf5?

It shows how much I was despondent. I should’ve played 18. ...Rad8, and next Re6. I lost almost all advantage and white now had chance for 19. Rg4 g6 20. Bc3 b6 and after 21. Bxa5 bxa5 22. Kg2 we can play further.


19. Ne1? Re6 20. Qf3?? Rxe1+ 21. Kg2 Qxf3+ 22. Kxf3 Rxb1 *

White resigned


Vidovdanski rejting turnir

IV kolo

Vidovdanski rejting turnir IV kolo

Ja – Vukanović



1. g3 d5 2. Bg2 c5


Benko’s opening or Zuckertort's opening


3. Nf3 Nc6 4. d4 Bf5 5. O-O e6 6. c4 Nf6 7. cxd5 Nxd5 8. Nc3 Nxc3 9. bxc3 cxd4?


9. ...Be4 was better and 10. Qb3, which I intended to play, wouldn’t have been so threatening as I thought. 10. ...Na5 11. Qb5+ Bc6!


10. Nxd4 Nxd4 11. Qxd4?


I was under an impression I had decisive strategic advantage due to operational bishop pair and weakness of black pawns a7,b7 and due to my connected rooks. It wasn’t that simple after all.



11....Qxd4 12. cxd4 Rb8?!  13. Bf4 Rd8 14. Bxb7?


Who would say it was a mistake?!


14. ...Rxd4??


And this is blunder, who would say that!? Now black is lost. The reason is that black must’ve brought his other rook into the game as soon as possible.


15. Be3! Rd6 16. Rfc1 Be7 17. Rc8+ Rd8 (17. ...Bd8? 18. Bc6+ and 19. Bc5)  18. Bc6+ Kf8 19. Rxd8+ Bxd8 20. Bc5+ Kg8 21. Rd1 Bf6 22. Bxa7 h6 23. a4 Kh7 24. Kg2?


I saw ghosts. 14. a5! and marching of passed pawn is the best.


24. ...Rc8 25. Bb5 Ra8 26. Rd7 Kg6 27. f3?


Again cowardly: 27. g4 was better and I'd win his bishop anyway!


27. ...Bd8 28. e4 Bxe4 29. fxe4 e5 30. Bc4 f6 31. Bf7+ Kh7 32. h4 Rc8 33. Kh3 Ba5 34. h5 Rc4 * Black resigned

Vidovdanski rejting turnir, V i VI kolo