Thursday, March 14, 2024

A certain win


V round


I vs Kokush, Darikhan


So again without any preparation I walked to the venue, cute old school chess club. Itinerer consists of Z-forming streets, about 45 minutes of slow walk, during which I practised tai chu kung breathing. Weather was hot, almost tropical, in sharp contrast with melancholic rainy and windy Tuesday, that like on Irish coast with deserted beach chairs and gray sea, almost as we were expecting cement tsunami. Healing soul music was pouring from eateries on the promenade, offering fish&chips with 7 sauces and retro cocktails from seventies. I decided I will play 1. g3. and then c4 as soon as possible.

 1. g3


Hungarian Opening

 1. ...d5 2. Bg2 e5

Here I was considering three moves. Larsen's invention 3. Nf3, 3. d4!? and 3. c4. Larsen wrote a book about this Alekhine reversed (3. Nf3) during sixties. Then he admitted: „My ideas were stupid, so I had to return to more normal openings...“ 3. d4 practically forces black to captuere on d4, since 3. ...e4 4. c4! c6 5. a3 gives white initiative. 3. ...exd4 4. Qxd4 gives nice lively game. I eventually played 3. c4, and I calculated what if 3. ...d4 – reversed Ben Oni. 4. d3 c5 5. Nf3 Bd6 and can I play 6. e3 here? I was afraid of 6. ...dxe3, but in fact 6. ...Nc6 would've been the best.

3. c4 c6

Nothing of reversed Ben Oni. Here I came to crazy idea to play 4. Qb3. I calculated 4. ...Nf6 5. Nc3 and now what if 5. ...d4 – I „saw“ 6. Qb5+ Nc6 7. Bxc6+ bxc6 and now I cannot play 8. Qxc6+ Bd7! and I lose knight on c3, but 8. Qxe5+ and I estimitad the position as "equalish".


No, comrades, I am here almost lost. (Says who? A public free engine for Third World in libraries and bars.)

4. cxd5 cxd5 5. Qb3 Nf6 6. Nc3 e4?


So, instead 6. ...d4 – which wasn't that bad as I thought, and instead of 6. ...Nc6! which gives advantage to him, he made a big mistake. Believe it or not, but 6. ...Nc6 was best move, and black should happily sacrifice a pawn. 7. Nxd5 Nxd5 8. Qxd5 Bd6! 9. Nf3 Nb4! 10. Qe4 f5 and black has initative (=my king is too late for castling, my pieces are undeveloped...)

7. f3?!

I never considered 7. d3, but that was better. After 7. ...exd3 I was supposed to play 8. Bg5!

 7. ...exf3 8. Nxf3 b6?

Bad move. Black has no time for that. 8. ...Nc6 was better and then I would play 9. d4.

 9. O-O Bb7 10. e4??


Now look at the position! Public engine for Third World says I blundered here. I was however proud of the move and was sure I am winning.

Engine says I should've played 10. d4 with next 11. Nh4 and Nf5.

But I „calculated“ 10. ...Nxe4 11. Nxe4 dxe4 12. Ng5 and I win. But I couldn't play 12. Ng5 because my pawn blocks bishop on c1 and black queen can capture my knight! Would I have found 12. d4! or 12. Ne5 – I doubt it. Also 10. ...dxe4 11. Ng5 isn't winning on the spot due 11. ...Bc5+ 12. Kh1 O-O. I thought now that „the best way out for black is to give some pawns with 10. ...Be7". And when he played it, I thought – tough game it will be again...! Lev Polugaevsky came to my mind once again.

10. ...Be7?? 11. e5?

Here 11. exd5 was better. Black cannot recapture 11. ...Nxd5  because of 12. Ne5!

11. ...Ne4 12. d4 O-O 13. Be3 f5??

Well, I still have advantage, but I felt disappointed.

 14. Bh3??

14. exf6! Nxf6 (there is no other move) 15. Ng5! and I win material.

My idea was now to play 15. Nxe4 fxe4 16. Be6+ Kh8 17. Ng5 Nxf1+ 18. Nxf1 Bxg6 19. Bxg5! and black queen cannot recapture bishop due checkmate in next move.

 14. ...Kh8 15. Rad1 Na6 16. Nd2 Nc7??

Black overlooked a pawn on f5. 16. ...Nxc3 17. bxc3 Nc7 was better.

 17. Bxf5 Ba6!?


Suddenly I realized that I am going to lose exchange. Was it a trap?! Yes, he was thinking long, but perhaps it was part of the trap. Like John Nunn wrote in his book that when he prepared a novelty for Gheorghiu in a variation of Sicilian opening, he deliberately waited  long to make certain  moves so as to deceive Gheorghiu.

I saw I must give an exchange but I will capture another pawn. 2 pawns for an exchange – it must be good! And not just any pawns: 2 central chained pawns!

18. Ncxe4 Bxf1 19. Rxf1 dxe4 20. Bxe4 Rxf1+ 21. Nxf1

21. ...Rc8 22. d5 Na6 23. d6 Bxd6 24. exd6 Qxd6 25. Qf7!

Here I saw that if black plays 25. ...Nc5 I win immediately. I thought black would play 25. ...Rf8 26. Qh5?! h6 and then I would've exchanged queens 27. Qg6. Then it would've followed a long ending and knowing me, I doubt I could manage to convert material advantage.

15. ...Nc5?? 26. Qf5 Nxe4 27. Qxc8+

Black resigned   

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